
Press Release


Press Release

Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited announced its unaudited consolidated results for the quarter ended 30th June, 2020


Salient features are as under:

Salient features are as under:

Financial Highlights for the Quarter:-

  • Highest ever revenue at Rs. 898 Cr.
  • Highest ever EBIDTA at Rs. 213 Cr.
  • Highest ever PAT at Rs. 126 Cr.

Operational Highlights for the Quarter:-

  • Highest ever Distillery sales during the quarter.
  • Highest ever Sugar exports during the quarter at 1 L MT.
  • Started Sanitizer business in all the 3 distillery units – Jawaharpur, Nigohi & Kolhapur.

Outlook of Sugar Industry:-

India Sugar inventory as on 30th Sept 20 is likely to drop to 11.3 M Mt from 14.5 M Mt as on 30th Sept 19 on the back of lower production and higher exports. However, for the upcoming year, sugar inventory is expected to increase marginally to 11.8 M MT.

Various proactive measures like increase in MSP, Export subsidy etc. are under consideration by Central Government for SS 20-21 which will be positive for the industry.

However, FRP increase, if any may partially offset the benefits of these measures.

Overall we remain cautiously optimistic for the near term prospects of the industry.

For Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited

Dalmia Bharat Sugar & Industries Limited (DBSIL) (BSE Code: DALMIASUG/500097 |NSE Symbol: DALMIASUG), has business interests in integrated sugar (including cogen and distillery), windfarms, magnesite and miscellaneous businesses. The company has three sugar factories located in Uttar Pradesh (Ramgarh, Jawaharpur and Nigohi) and in Maharashtra (Kolhapur and Sangli). The company has aggregate sugarcane crushing capacity of 34000 TCD, distillery and co-generation operation of 240 KLPD and 119 MW respectively. For more information, visit us at

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