
Press Release


Press Release

Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited today announced its audited consolidated results for the quarter and year ended 31st Mar, 2021.


● Nigohi Distillery expansion completed during the quarter and is operational at expanded capacity.
● Branded sugar launched successfully in March 2021 and the product has been well received by the market.
● Diverted around 60 KMT sugar towards ethanol during the sugar season 20-21.
● All other projects related to sugar & distillery expansion and greenfield distillery at Ramgarh are under implementation albeit possibility of few months’ delay due to pandemic.

Outlook of Sugar Industry
In SS’20 sugar inventory is lower at 10.7 M Mt as against 14.5 M Mt for SS’19 mainly due to exports and to further go down in ensuing SS to 9.2 M Mt mainly on account of higher diversion of sugar to ethanol and exports.

Sugar industry is well poised to benefit both from global and domestic factors. Tight global demand supply situation, favourable government policies and push for higher ethanol blending in India will keep the inventory under control.

In light of the above the short to medium term outlook of the industry remains promising.

For Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited

Dalmia Bharat Sugar & Industries Limited (DBSIL) (BSE Code: DALMIASUG/500097 |NSE Symbol: DALMIASUG), has business interests in integrated sugar (including cogen and distillery), windfarms, magnesite and miscellaneous businesses. The company has three sugar factories located in Uttar Pradesh (Ramgarh, Jawaharpur and Nigohi) and in Maharashtra (Kolhapur and Sangli). The company has aggregate sugarcane crushing capacity of 34000 TCD, distillery and co-generation operation of 240 KLPD and 119 MW respectively. For more information, visit us at

Media Contact
Dalmia Bharat Group
Akshay Brave

Adfactors PR
Jatin Khattar/ Parashmoni Deori,
M: +919810751243/ +919810751243