DBSIL believes that the key to sustainability is not just found in the shop floor and balance sheet but also found in the financial liquidity of the farmers who provide it with sugar cane crops.

Sustainability and development go hand-in-hand and are the most important prerequisites for a better future for each human being.

Sustainable development is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Operating on the lines of this concept, DBSIL invests heavily in green growth through eco-friendly initiatives that make it possible to generate more from less, thereby enhancing inclusive growth and strengthening rural prosperity.

Its mission is to ensure sustainable sugarcane production which creates value for farmers and the community while sustaining a business ecosystem.

Water Conservation

DBSIL embarked on several initiatives to moderate water consumption which has helped it achieve the coveted zero liquid discharge status at their effluent treatment plants, utilising all treated water for irrigation.

At the plants, condensate water is reused in process and cooling application, green belt development and for irrigation purpose. The hot condensate water is used for imbibition and it reuses non-contaminated water for process application.

The waste water generation from the sugar plants has been brought down considerably, well within the norms laid down by the State/Central Pollution Control Board.

Outside the plant, the company has taken various projects for water harvesting through enlargement of ponds capacities and recharge wells.

For reduction of water consumption by farmers, drip irrigation is promoted to the farmers both in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. The company not only facilitates the installation of a drip irrigation system on the fields but also helps the farmers in receiving government subsidy along with some financial support from its side.


Reducing Energy Usage and Emissions

The company has multiple co-generation plants of 118 MW installed capacity at the DBSIL sugar mills.

This has enabled it to meet its energy requirements and earn revenues from the excess power sold to the grid. Presently, about 70% of the total power generated is supplied to the distribution companies in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.

All its co-generation projects produce green power using bagasse as fuel.


Enhancing Resource Efficiency

The cyclic nature of the company’s business and high dependence on external factors which are beyond the company’s control have necessitated that it utilises every available resource to its optimum efficiency. Over the years, DBSIL has strengthened its business sustainability through various initiatives. Its cost optimising initiatives have brought down inefficiencies in all functions of its business ranging from procurement to marketing of the finished products.

Extensive technology adoption in its operations has further enhanced the manufacturing efficiencies. Sugar cane development initiatives have been beneficial both to the company and the farmers.

Supporting farmers with high yielding seeds, educating them about innovative and modern farming techniques have resulted in higher cane yield, higher sugar recovery and lesser quality related rejections.

The Kisan Sewa Kendras, located near its sugar mills, educate farmers on the best farming practices besides providing pesticides and farm equipment at subsidised prices.

sustainability in dalmia

Minimising Waste

DBSIL has taken a slew of measures to extract value from the waste across the value chain.

It has established distilleries and co-generation business units which now generate revenue for the organisation.

Press mud is converted to usable compost and sold to farmers at nominal prices for agricultural purposes. Fly ash is used for ash filling and brick manufacturing. Through these changes in its processes, the company has been successful to return to nature what it borrowed from it.

Non-hazardous waste in the form of PP bags (used in packaging) and plastic drums are disposed off through authorised recyclers. Plant effluent is treated by an effluent treatment method which uses an anaerobic process followed by an aeration system. The treated water is being used for green belt development and irrigation purposes, both inside and outside the plant through the farmers.

Environment Compliances and Clearances

Dalmia Bharat Sugar And Industries Limited, Distillery Unit - Nigohi

Environmental Clearances

Environmental Compliances

Dalmia Bharat Sugar And Industries Limited, Distillery Unit - Jawaharpur

Environmental Clearances

Environmental Compliances

Dalmia Bharat Sugar And Industries Limited, Distillery Unit - Kolhapur

Environmental Clearances

Environmental Compliances

Dalmia Bharat Sugar And Industries Limited, Distillery Unit - Ramgarh

Environmental Clearances

Environmental Compliances

Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited, Grain Distillery Unit- Jawaharpur

Environmental Clearances

Environmental Compliances

Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited, Distillery Unit – Ninaidevi

Environmental Clearances

Environmental Compliances

Sustainability Report